Monday, December 28

It's Complicated

This was a seriously good movie.
Don't you love when you see a movie and you have fun watching it?
I have been watching movie after movie waiting for that...
It's complicated delivered.
Its laugh out loud funny without being stupid.
It feels young, even though the actors aren't
It has a great story that keeps your attention

I recommend that everyone see it. 

The last movie I saw in the theater was Everbody's Fine 
It was totally not what i had expected 
I went to see it because I thought it was 
an inspiring feel-good movie...
and it was actually quite depressing 

But, Meryl Streep 
plays an amazing woman in the film

She has a beautiful house,
a lavish garden,
her own flourishing business,
she takes vacations,
she parties and lets loose,

and has everything she wants.

seems like an okay way to be ...

<3 Kate

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